The waterfall is 7m high and 30m wide and is designated as a natural monument of Numata City. The Tonoku region used to be the fleet about 9 million years ago. The harden pyroclastic flow of a volcanic eruption was eroded by the clear stream of the Katashina River, which flows from Ozenuma Lake to the confluence of the Tone River in Numata City.
The numerous cracks in the soft rocky part appear, which look like the rocks being broken by the wind. There is a legend that the basin of the waterfall is the gate to Ryugu, a dragon palace.

Shibukawa City is surrounded by Mt. Akagisan, and Mt. Harunasan of active volcanoes, and Mt. Komochiyama and Mt. Onokoyama of dormant volcanoes. Tanashita Fudo Waterfall – Odaki Waterfall, is magnificent on the 37 − metre cliff, made by lava from Mt. Akagisan. It has the cave behind the waterfall, created by the collapse of the cliff. You can enter and look at the water fall from the back side.
You can enjoy the fount of innocence from the multi-layered mountains of the Japanese archipelago, and you can discover the value of knowing with your body, which is a different value than price.

Fuji-Goko, the Five Lakes of Mt. Fuji – Motosu Lake, Saiko Lake, Kawaguchi Lake, Shojin Lake and Yamanaka Lake, are at the foot of Mt. Fuji. They were originally one lake, called Senoumi, the lake which existed at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji until the middle of the 9th century.
There was a large volcanic eruption at Mt. Fuji in 864. The lava field that was created became the origin of the Aokigahara Jukai Forest, and filled the lake of Senoumi.
The wonder is that the five lakes are filled, not with water from a flowing river, but from the underground water of Mt. Fuji. It is exactly the fresh water of this country and Wakamizu, sacred water that brings back youth.

The Oirase River is the only river in Towada Lake that has a large amount of water. The Choshi Otaki Water Fall resembled the spout of Tokuri, a bottle of sake and a large waterfall. Therefore, fish could not go over the fall. The Towada Lake used to have no fish. Kujo Takeko (1887 – 1928), a Japanese Waka poet and humanitarian, saw the mysterious jade-colored flow and made the poem: “Amarinimo Shinka toshite Ningeno Ayamachite irishi Sakai katoomofu – It’s too quiet to let me feel to come to the border in the wrong way”.
The museum also displays the ecosystem of plants and animals related to the Towada Lake and the Oirase Mountain Stream.

This natural park consists of the Hiraniwakogen Highlands and the Kujikeiryu, mountain stream. The Kujigawa Gorge collects water from the Kitakami Mountains and it pours it into the Pacific Ocean. It is a popular spot for mountain stream fishing in the summer. Kagamiiwa is a limestone wall was named “rock mirror,” because the wall reflects in the mountain stream.
The famous water, Furosen, spring water, is beside Kagamiiwa, which is selected as one of the 23 best waters in Iwate Prefecture. It is fresh water of Japan, which is Wakamizu, sacred water that brings back youth. The Kitakami Mountains spring out the water, which is presumed to have been raised in the Cretaceous period (145 million – 66 million years ago) by the collision of the Northern Mountains and the Southern tectonic zone in the Southern Ocean, which came up to the north.

Oyu Onsen, a hot spring is located 25km south of the Towadako Lake, a mysteriously quiet lake that stretches over Aomori and Akita prefectures. The lake has a maximum depth of 334m and is a deep blue lake. Scenic spots of waterfalls continue along the Oyugawa River, which is rich in water. Nishikimi Water Fall sprays like a fog on the rock surface of the plate-shaped and the regular alternating layers of Columnar Joint. Choshinotake Water Fall sometimes falls like breaking a precipice and sometimes falls quietly, and scenic spots of waterfalls continue,,,.
It is the universal beauty of Japan which dynamically and constantly changes shape.

The Province border in Ritsuryo system, a system of centralized government based Ritsu, a criminal code and Ryo, an administrative code, was drawn along the watershed, in the Nara period (710 – 794). The central watershed that divides the flow into the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean runs through the Zao Mountain Range.
In that range are Fudotaki Falls, Sankainotaki Falls, and Jizotaki Falls in the Sumikawa River. From the Takimidai on the Zao Echo Line, you can see the Fudotaki Falls, which is listed in the Top hundred Water Falls, and Sankainotaki Falls. Fudotaki Falls, which is 53.5m in height and 16m in width, is a Great Falls of Japan. It is also a flow that divides the ancient Province.

The Natori River flows from Sendai City to the Pacific Ocean. It flows eastward from Mt. Kamurotake of the Ou Mountains, with an altitude of 1,356m. Rairaikyo Gorge is located near Yumoto in Akiu Onsen, a hot spring, where the flow of the Natori River is very narrow. The Gorge has strangely shaped rocks, which was created by the river eroding the Akiu stone, tuff.
There is Akiuotaki Waterfall at the upper reach, which is Three Outstanding Water Falls next to Nachi Waterfall, and Kegon Waterfall and is, 55m high and 6m wide. You can see the power of nature in the Natori River basin.