Products of Sincerity Wine from COCO FARM & WINERY in Ashikaga, Tochigi makes wine from grapes that are cultivated at Cocoromi gakuen, a farm at a residential facility for intellectual disability and autistic people. Cocoromi means Trial, in Japanese. In the 1950’s, intellectual disability students and their teacher began cultivating the very steep hill as a vineyard.
This hill has good sunlight and drainage that enables grapes to flourish. But the land is on a 38 degree slope, so all work must be done by human hands, like during the Yayoi period of ancient Japan. During the harvest season, the workers tap cans to make a noise that will drive the crows away from the harvest. They work on the hill, with sincerity.

Matsuo Basho (1644 – 1694), the most famous poet of the Edo period, travelled to feel abundant by the landscape he encountered, rather than to mourn uncertainty in the hermitage. The Mogami River boating transportation flourished since the Nara period (710 – 794) and continued to support Kyoto, Osaka and Edo. The transportation continued to supply safflower for dyeing, weaving, and makeup, for which it was the top supplier in Japan, during the Edo period (1603 – 1868).
The group of Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 – 1189) the famous warrior and direct descendant of the Minamoto clan, went up the river by boat, in the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333). Matsuo Basho went down river by boat, 500 years later, and wrote a poem – ”Samidarewo Atsumete Hayashi Mogamigawa – Gathering early summer rain, swiftly flows the Morgami River”

Toya Lake is a round lake. Although the acidity increased due to drainage problems, and the lake lost its transparency, the lake water was restored in 1973, by the neutralization project, using mine wastewater. It’s mystery was revived.
The museum located on Nakajima, in the lake, exhibits specimens, stuffing, dioramas and panels to show the rich nature and life surrounding Toya Lake. Outside the museum, there are meeting facilities.

Hokkaido has a unique climate, different from Honshu Island, and its ecology is close to that of the Eurasian Continent. There are many artworks reflecting the unique view of nature in this large earth surface.
You can experience the nature of Hokkaido more deeply by looking at the climatic nature such as Kida Kimijiro (1893-1962), Kanda Nishou (1937-1970), Sunazawa Bikky (1931-1989), Iwahashi Eien (1903-1999) held in the collection.
In addition, this museum also has a collection of glass crafts, ranging from Art Nouveau to Contemporary styles.